Biyernes, Agosto 21, 2015

How to create a Blogspot

1.Go to Google.Click “Sign in”.
2.You have to sign in using your account.Click”Sign in with a different account”.

“In this case James joseph Cabase is not your account, therefore you must sign in with a differrent account.”
3.Click “Add account”.

4.You are promted to enter your email, since you have no account, this is the time to create your own.  Click “Create account”

5.As you can see in this page, there are blank fields requiring your information. Just fill up this page,read and understand every time you see an error message.

6.Lets try to fill up your account..

7.Success!! You have now your gmail account. Then click “Get started”.
8.Now you have  your account, you can sign in as and alwasys remember your password: 1234gwapo.  Then click “Sign in”.
9.Now you're almost there. Next go to blogger..

10.Create your profile.

11. Customize your profile.Then go back to blogger.

12.You are now in the overview of your blog. Notice the left part of the page, this menus enables you to customize the design of your blog. Click "Template".
13.On the template page, choose the template you want and select "Apply to blog" and then click "View blog".

14. This is how your blog looks like!!!Click "Design" and select "Posts".

15.Now select "Posts" and see what's next..

 16.After you selected a file click "Add selected".
17.Click Publish..Then Share..

18.Check "Untitled post" , Click "Publish", and then "View Blog".

19. There's a new post now on your blog.